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trepX Technologies, Inc.
Executive Consulting
Technology Services
Application Development
IT and Network Support
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trepX Technologies, Inc.
trepX Technologies, Inc.
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Executive Consulting
Executive ConsultingStrategic technology and product planning is at the core of trepX's business model. Through our diverse experience and skill set, trepX can help your organization at any stage whether it is a start-up organization, a market leader needing to keep its edge on the competition or a company in a turn-around situation.

Regardless of the stage, trepX has the team that has managed through the same challenges your business face. Every management situation is different but the core fundamentals for managing are the same. trepX brings these well honed fundamentals to your business.

trepX has the Xpert staff to serve as your part-time CTO, CIO, development lead and product management lead.

Our areas of expertise include:
EAI / BPO– Integration & Interoperability
.NET Development and Architecture
Large Scale System Design
Mobile Device Application Design
Product Marketing
Services Oriented Architecture Design
Justice XML
Homeland Security Directives
Mission Critical Application Design
Internet Architecture
S/W Capability Maturity Model (CMM)
Board Level Interaction
Corporate Security
Call Center Management
Web-Portal Design
Want to grow the top-line? Want to grow the bottom line? Contact Us at trepX.
Does your business need the Xpert, hire trepX !